Pomodoro Technique - FRAKXION

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Pomodoro Technique

How do you prevent burnout?


The Pomodoro technique combines focused work sessions with regular breaks, allowing for sustained productivity and preventing burnout. By breaking tasks into manageable chunks, you can maintain concentration, manage distractions, and achieve a sense of accomplishment as you complete each Pomodoro.

What to do:

❶ Set a Goal. Identify the task you want to accomplish or the goal you want to work on.
❷ Set a Timer. Set a timer for 25 minutes, known as a “Pomodoro”. You can use a kitchen timer, a smartphone app, or an online timer specifically designed for the technique.
❸ Work Intensely. During the 25-minute “Pomodoro”, work with complete focus on the task at hand. Avoid distractions and commit to working solely on that task.
❹ Avoid Interruptions. If distractions arise during the “Pomodoro”, make a note of them without engaging with them. Reserve addressing those distractions for the scheduled break time.
❺ Take a Short Break. Once the 25-minute Pomodoro is complete, take a short break of about 5 minutes. Use this time to relax, stretch, or do something unrelated to work to recharge your mind.
❻ Repeat and Track Progress. After the break, begin the next Pomodoro session and continue working on the task. Repeat the cycle of 25 minutes of focused work followed by 5-minute breaks.
❼ Long Breaks. After completing four Pomodoros (four 25-minute work sessions), take a more extended break of around 15-30 minutes. This longer break allows for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Don’t forget; you can always adjust the duration of Pomodoros and breaks based on your needs and preferences. Some individuals may find 25 minutes too short or too long, so feel free to experiment with different durations. Keep a record of completed Pomodoros and breaks to track your progress and assess productivity over time. This tracking helps identify patterns, areas for improvement and helps maintain motivation.

Based on Francesco Cirillo concept.

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