Story Arc - FRAKXION

Be Passionately

Story Arc

How to build a narrative that will resonate with your audience?


Most effective pitches, whether you aim to win a sale or win an ally, start with sharing a new idea that each party can get behind. This creates a lot more meaning in what you do and how you do it. This pitch style encourages you to consider your audience’s wants, needs, and fears, and to start with why you do things the way you do them, rather than leading with the specifics of what you do.

What to do:

❶ You may choose to work collaboratively or divide and conquer.
❷ Generate a list of the key messages or topics you can cover as a WARMER for the conversation. This
should establish some relevance and credibility that will support your offer.
❸ Determine your REFRAME. This is where you will share your unique perspective and outline solutions
that your audience hasn’t explored yet. This will turn the tables and establish your brand as the
expert—at least within the room.
❹ Now, create your RATIONAL DROWNING list. With this, you will record all the logical pitfalls or barriers
one may face if they do not accept your perspective or change the way they’re currently working.
❺ Imagine the EMOTIONAL IMPACT of being hit with the barriers and pitfalls you listed above. Think of
what your audience would feel if everything that could go wrong does go wrong. This is the moment
you are trying to help them avoid.
❻ Brainstorm messages that support your NEW WAY. Describe a future where everything goes right for
your audience. All pain points are eliminated and new opportunities and benefits are in place.
❼ Finally, make a list of WHAT YOU DO. Highlight your most timely and relevant products or services.

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